Tuebor Energy selected for Biomimicry Institute’s Ray of Hope Accelerator Program

Founded by Nick Kotov, Tuebor Energy develops next generation battery components inspired by nanostructure of cartilage. The Accelerator Program will pave the way for scaling their technology for sustainable energy solutions.

In a new development for the future of sustainable energy, Joseph B. and Florence V. Cejka Professor of Chemical Engineering Nick Kotov‘s company, Tuebor Energy, has been selected for the prestigious Ray of Hope Accelerator program, an initiative by the Biomimicry Institute. The program aims to foster nature-inspired solutions to sustainability challenges, and Tuebor Energy’s work on bioinspired batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) was selected as one of ten projects from hundreds of program applicants. 

Tuebor Energy was founded in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan based on the unmet need for efficient lithium-sulfur batteries, with a focus on addressing the high demands placed on battery membranes. Born out of the innovative academic environment and supported by the university’s research infrastructure, the company led by Kotov and including other University of Michigan researchers, leverages advanced scientific knowledge and engineering practices to enable safer, cheaper and more energy-dense batteries.

Batteries inspired by nature

Tuebor Energy’s breakthrough involves the development of advanced lithium-sulfur batteries, which aim to significantly enhance the performance and affordability of EVs. The core innovation lies in the bioinspired design of battery membranes, drawing parallels from the natural resilience and functionality of biological membranes found in the human body.

“Membranes are common in biology,” said Kotov. “Cartilage is the ion transporting membrane in joints that is extremely robust and resilient. We’ve analyzed structure of cartilage membranes using mathematics of graphs and replicated it using aramid nanofibers derived from recycled Kevlar. These nanofibers form a structure remarkably similar to cartilage, providing the necessary durability and efficiency for battery applications.”

Nanofiber network in Aramid battery membranes. Credit: Ahmet Emre, Kotov Lab, University of Michigan.

Overcoming challenges with novel solutions

The need for high-performance membranes in lithium-sulfur batteries is critical. Traditional membranes often fail due to the strain caused by the expansion and contraction cycles within the battery. Kotov’s team addressed this by creating nanofiber membranes that maintain structural integrity while allowing optimal ion flux, essential for high battery power and efficiency.

“Nanofibers enable the precise nanoscale pores needed to screen out harmful lithium polysulfides while permitting beneficial ions to pass through,” Kotov explains. “This design not only enhances battery life but also significantly reduces costs, making EVs more affordable.”

A diagram of the battery
A diagram of the battery shows how lithium ions can return to the lithium electrode while the lithium polysulfides can’t get through the membrane separating the electrodes. In addition, spiky dendrites growing from the lithium electrode can’t short the battery by piercing the membrane and reaching the sulfur electrode. Credit: Ahmet Emre, Kotov Lab, University of Michigan.

Addressing sustainability and scalability

A standout feature of Kotov and Tuebor Energy’s approach is the use of recycled Kevlar from decommissioned military vests, tackling both sustainability and waste reduction. This recycling process not only repurposes existing materials but also avoids the environmental pitfalls associated with conventional battery components like cobalt and nickel.

“Using sulfur, a byproduct of the oil industry, further reduces costs and environmental impact,” Kotov said. “Lithium-sulfur batteries can be produced at about half the cost of traditional cobalt or nickel batteries, making them an economically viable alternative for widespread EV adoption.”

A vision for the future

The Ray of Hope Accelerator program will provide Tuebor Energy with support including access to a network of investors and industry experts dedicated to bioinspired technologies. This recognition will pave the way for scaling their technology and making a substantial impact on the EV market.

“The award is important to bring attention to our work and to find solutions that address multiple problems simultaneously,” Kotov said. “It will help us transition from a startup to a more established company by increasing investor confidence in our mission and our technology.”

Tuebor Energy’s approach to battery technology represents a significant step forward in the search for sustainable energy solutions. With the support of the Biomimicry Institute’s Ray of Hope Accelerator program, the company is well-positioned to drive the next wave of advancements in the EV industry, making electric vehicles more efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly. 

“We have the intellectual capacity and collaborative networks at the University of Michigan to make a big change in sustainability,” Kotov said. “The future of engineering lies in learning from nature, and our work is a testament to that philosophy.”