Student Groups
AIChE – American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AICHE is the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, an organization that ties over 60,000 chemical engineers together. The U-M student chapter works to bring students and companies together through weekly luncheons, social events, and professional prep workshops.
Join AIChE and get involved in the ChE community while developing your professional portfolio!
Contact: [email protected]
AXE – Alpha Chi Sigma
Co-Ed Professional Chemistry Fraternity
Alpha Chi Sigma seeks to bring together chemistry enthusiasts, as well as those interested n the sciences. Professional and community outreach events include: professional development workshops, coaching the Science Olympiad team at Angell Elementary, FEMMES, Kids Fair, Pen-pals with STEM students in collaboration with K-grams, volunteering at Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, Detroit Partnership Day, the Professional Greek Week Fundraiser & more! Social Events include: A formal, summer camping trip, LSA v. COE winter football game, pumpkin carving, apple orchard trip, ice skating and more.
Contact: Nolan Lysaght
ChE Car – ChE design team
The ChemE Car competition sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) requires the development of a shoe-box sized car designed and calibrated to run for a pre-determined distance and to carry a certain amount of weight. The car must be fueled by a chemical reaction and stopped by a chemical reaction.
If you are looking for a unique hands-on experience, come join the ChemE Car team. All majors are welcome!
Contact: [email protected]
ChemE Cube
ChemE Cube at the University of Michigan is an engineering and business focused project team that participates in the AIChE ChemE Cube Competition. Students will collaborate to create a 1 cubic foot chemical plant and promote our technology through a 1-minute ad, poster, 20-minute “shark tank” style pitch to a panel of mock investors. The team values creativity, collaboration, and innovation, and encourages students from all majors to join and contribute.
Contact: [email protected]
Chemical Engineering Graduates Society (ChEGS)
This group plans social, outreach, and professional development opportunities for chemical engineering graduate students and faculty.
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
NOBCChe aims to create a sense of community, highlight and increase the engagement of Black people in the sciences, and enact social change through outreach activities.
OXE – Omega Chi Epsilon
ChE Honor Society
You are eligible to join the organization once you have completed your first three ChE courses with high academic standing. Apart from attending intimate info sessions with a wide variety of companies, OXE members participate in service events, social events, and tutoring sessions open to all ChE students.
Contact: [email protected]