New fund would provide support for College and ChemE department
Since 2007, he has endowed three funds to support the College’s students and faculty
Since 2007, he has endowed three funds to support the College’s students and faculty
Anthony C. Lembke (BSE ChE ’80) recently documented his intention to provide for a bequest to benefit the College of Engineering. When realized, the fund will provide discretionary support to both the College and the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Mr. Lembke retired in 2014 as Co-CIO and Principal of MKP Capital Management. Previously, he spent five years as a chemical engineer at Exxon, and later joined investment bank Salomon Brothers.
An exceptionally committed alumnus, Mr. Lembke is an active volunteer member of the College of Engineering’s Leadership Advisory Board, serving on its Values & Culture Subcommittee. Since 2007, he has endowed three funds to support the College’s students and faculty: the Anthony Lembke Scholarship, Anthony C. Lembke Student Global Experience Fund, and Anthony C. Lembke Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering.