CHE 460: Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Course #: CHE 460 (4 credits)

Course Title: Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter

Prerequisites: CHE 344: Reaction Engineering and Design, CHE 360: Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

Textbooks/Required Materials: Course documents available on course page on Canvas LMS

Instructor: Albayrak-Guralp, Tadd

Cognizant Faculty: Albayrak-Guralp, Hirshfield, Lesher-Pérez, Sheffield, Springsteen, Tadd

Faculty Approval: 2022-08-24

CoE Bulletin Description:

Experimentation in rate and separation processes on a scale that tests process models. Introduction to the use of instrumental analysis and process control. Introduction to bioengineering processes in selected section(s). Lecture, laboratory, conferences, reports. Technical communications.

Course Topics: (number of hours in parentheses)

Each student works on 3 projects, each for 3-4 weeks, with a total of 7-8 weeks spent in the laboratory.  Projects include distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, photobioreactor and reactor optimization, and bioethanol production.  One section offers two bioengineering projects in addition. Each project concludes with a written and oral report.  Tech. Comm. faculty provide opportunities outside of scheduled class time for students to rehearse, record, and get professional feedback on presentations.

  1. Lectures include the following topics:
  2. Overview of projects and related equipment (7)
  3. Process scale-up, economics, and LCA (2)
  4. Written and oral technical communication (4)
  5. Process and laboratory safety. (1)
  6. Experimental design and data analysis skills (2)

Course Structure/Schedule: Lecture:  2 per week @ 1 hour; Laboratory:  1 per week @ 4 hours

Course Objectives: Links shown in brackets are to course outcomes that satisfy these objectives. 

  1. Equip students to plan a set of experiments that leads to a desired outcome [a]
  2. Equip students to examine and troubleshoot process equipment, including consideration of safety and economic issues [b, c, f]
  3. Equip students to apply engineering analysis to experimental data [d] 
  4. Train students in oral and written communications [e, f]
  5. Give students experience in working in teams [g]

Course Outcomes: Links shown in brackets are to ABET student outcomes 1-7.

A. Design and conduct experiments on process equipment to achieve desired outcomes [6]

B. Apply engineering analysis to experimental data [1,6]

C. Identify safety concerns related to the experimental processes [2]

D. Write effective reports [3]

E. Prepare and present effective oral reports [3]

F. Assess the operating costs of a scaled-up unit operation, with consideration of environmental factors [2,4]

G. Work as a member of a team [5]

Assessment Tools: Links shown in brackets are to course outcomes.

  1. Pre-lab quizzes [ a-c]
  2. Written work plans and discussions with course instructor [a-c and f-g]
  3. Lab notebooks [a-c]
  4. Oral reports [a-c and e-g]
  5. Written reports [a-d and f-g]
  6. Periodic peer and self-evaluation surveys [g]