
Largest U.S. investment in particle self-assembly seeks to deliver on nanotech’s promise

With applications in transportation, energy, health care and more, the center includes African universities and creates opportunities for overlooked talent in the U.S.


A leap toward carbon neutrality, carbon dioxide to methanol

A leap toward carbon neutrality, carbon dioxide to methanol

University of Michigan researchers including Nirala Singh have developed a catalyst material known as cobalt phthalocyanine that converts carbon dioxide — a significant driver of climate change — into renewable fuels such as methanol.


Jovan Kamcev at the Weber Lecture in 2024.

Jovan Kamcev receives PMSE Early Investigator Award for ion-exchange membrane research

The Early Investigator Award celebrates emerging leaders demonstrating rising talent who have made significant contributions to the field of polymer materials science and engineering.

Lola Eniola-Adefeso and Nicholas Kotov honored as AAAS fellows

The AAAS fellowship is one of the most distinct honors in the scientific community and acknowledges their contributions to the fields of chemical engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, and macromolecular science and engineering.

Anish Avasthi

Advancing electric vehicle battery technology: Anish Avasthi receives NDSEG Fellowship

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Award supports advanced training in science and engineering to cultivate exceptional talent and innovation among scholars.

David Kitto honored as a North American Membrane Society Student Fellow

The award, presented annually by NAMS, acknowledges outstanding contributions to membrane science and technology by graduate students across North America.

Xiwen Gong during an Xplore Engineering panel.

Xiwen Gong receives NSF CAREER award for research in wearable optoelectronics

The project aims to advance the understanding of wearable optoelectronics based on nanomaterials.

Paul Jensen receives NSF early CAREER grant to support research in AI, machine learning

The Faculty Early CAREER Development program is an NSF-wide activity that offers the foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty.