Sharon Glotzer

Sharon C. Glotzer

Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering


For department business: 
[email protected]

For research inquiries: 
[email protected]


B10-A177 NCRC
2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800

Primary Website

Name of lab or center, linked to website


  • PhD, Boston University (1993), Physics
    BS, University of California, Los Angeles (1987), Physics

Research Interests

The ability to manipulate matter at the molecular, nanoparticle, and colloidal level to create “designer” structures; the fundamental principles of how nanoscale systems of building blocks self-assemble; controlling the assembly process to engineer new materials; and more.


  • National Academy of Engineering, elected Member 2019.
  • 2019 Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer, Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Liquids.
  • 2019 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics, American Physical Society.
  • 2018 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
  • Materials Research Society, elected Fellow, 2017.
  • 2016 Alpha Chi Sigma Award for Chemical Engineering Research. American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers, elected Fellow, 2016.
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow, 2016.
  • John W. Cahn Distinguished University Professorship, University of Michigan, 2015.
  • 2014 MRS Medal, Co-recipient with Nicholas Kotov, Materials Research Society. Citation: “For foundational work elucidating processes of nanoparticle self-assembly.”
  • National Academy of Sciences, elected Member 2014.
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, elected Fellow, 2013.
  • Simons Investigator, named July 2012 to the inaugural class. Funded 2012 – 2022.
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected Member 2011.
  • Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professorship, College of Engineering, University of Michigan, 2009.
  • National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow, Department of Defense, 2009-2014.
  • Charles M.A. Stine Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Materials Engineering & Sciences Division, 2008.
  • American Physical Society, elected Fellow 2006.
  • Monroe-Brown Foundation Research Excellence Award, University of Michigan College of Engineering, 2006.
  • Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies 2006-2007 Faculty Recognition Award, University of Michigan.

Additional Title(s)

  • John Werner Cahn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
  • Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Other Affiliations

  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Macromolecular Science and Engineering
  • Physics
  • Applied Physics