Sasha Cai Lesher-Pérez

Sasha Cai Lesher-Pérez

Assistant Professor


NCRC-B28 3006E (Faculty Office)
NCRC-B28 2095E (Research Lab)


He / Him / His




University of Michigan
PhD, Biomedical Engineering, 2015
Thesis: Development of Micro-actuators and Micro-sensors for the On-chip Interrogation of Cells and In Vitro Generated Tissues.

MSE, Biomedical Engineering, 2010

University of Wisconsin-Madison
BSE, Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics, 2008


University of Michigan
Chemical Engineering Department
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Assistant Professor, starting in 2022

Intelligent Optical Systems
Torrance, California
Biomedical Engineer, Senior Scientist, 2021

Marie Curie H2020
Elvesys SAS, Paris, France
Individual Fellow, 2018 – 2019

University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Research Advisor: Tatiana Segura, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate, 2015 – 2018


  • NextProf Future Faculty Program, 2020
  • SHPE Faculty Development Symposium Travel Grant, 2019
  • Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, 2017
  • Independent Fellowship – H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 Recipient
  • Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke F31 Grant (Diversity Supplement), 2015


See Google Scholar for full list of publications

*- equal contribution, # – corresponding author; ^ – undergrad student; PhD student; graduated PhD student

  • Sharan, P., Nsamela, A., Lesher-Pérez, S.C., Simmchen, J.# Microfluidics for microswimmers: engineering novel swimmers and constructing swimming lanes on the microscale, a tutorial review. Small. 2021. 17, 2007403
  • McMillan, A. H., Alcaine, C., Teyssandier, J., Thür, R., Roy, E., Ochoa, I., Roeffaers, M.B.J., Lesher-Pérez, S.C.#, Self-sealing thermoplastic fluoroelastomer enables rapid fabrication of modular microreactors. Nano Select. 2021. 2, 1385-1402.
  • McMillan, A.H., Dellaquila, A., Thomee, E.K., Nassman, H., Segura, T., Lesher-Pérez, S.C.# Rapid fabrication of membrane-integrated thermoplastic elastomer microfluidic devices. Micromachines, 2020. 11, 731, DOI: 10.3390/mi11080731
  • Truong, N., Lesher-Pérez, S.C., Kurt, E., Segura, T.# Pathways governing polyethylenimine polyplex transfection in microporous annealed particle scaffolds. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2018. 30, 476-486
  • Lesher-Pérez, S.C., Zhang, C., Takayama, S. # Capacitive coupling synchronizes autonomous microfluidic oscillators. Electrophoresis. 2018. 39, 1096-1103
  • Lesher-Pérez, S.C., Kim, G.-A.; Kuo, C, Leung, B.M., Mong, S.^, Kojima, T., Moraes, C., Thouless, M.D., Luker, G.D., Takayama, S.# Dispersible oxygen microsensors map oxygen gradients in three-dimensional cell cultures. Biomaterials Science. 2017. 5, 2106-2113
  • Kim, S., Lesher-Perez, S.C., Kim, B.-C., Yamanishi, C., Labuz, J.M., Leung, B.M., Takayama, S. # Pharmacokinetic profile that reduces nephrotoxicity of gentamicin in a perfused kidney-on-a-chip. Biofabrication. 2016, 8, 015021
  • Lesher-Perez, S.C., Segura, T., Moraes, C. # Getting there is half the battle: recent advances in delivering therapeutics. Integrative Biology. 2016, 8, 8-11
  • Kim, S.-J., Yokokawa, R., Lesher-Perez, S.C., Takayama, S.# Multiple independent autonomous hydraulic oscillators driven by a common gravity head. Nature Communications. 2015, 6, 7301
  • Frampton, J., Leung, B., Bingham, E., Lesher-Perez, S.C., Wang, Sarhan, H.T., J., El-Sayed, M., Feinberg, S., Takayama, S.# Rapid self‐assembly of macroscale tissue constructs at biphasic aqueous interfaces. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25, 1694-1699
  • Lesher-Perez, S.C., Weerappuli, P., Zhang, C., Kim, S.-J., Takayama, S.# Predictable duty cycle modulation through coupled pairing of syringes with microfluidic oscillators. Micromachines. 2014, 5, 1254-1269
  • Leung, B.M., Lesher-Perez, S.C., Matsuoka, T., Moraes, C., Takayama, S.# Media additives to promote spheroid circularity and compactness in hanging drop platform. Biomaterials Science. 2014, 3, 336-44
  • Lesher-Perez, S.C., Frampton, J.P., Takayama, S.# Microfluidic systems: A new toolbox for pluripotent stem cells. Biotechnology Journal. 2013, 8, 180-191
  • Kim,S.-J., Yokokawa, R., Lesher-Perez, S.C., Takayama, S.# Constant flow-driven microfluidic oscillator for different duty cycles. Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 84, 1152-1156
  • Moraes, C., Mehta, G., Lesher-Perez, S.C.*, Takayama, S.# Organs-on-a-chip: a focus on compartmentalized microdevices. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2012, 40, 1211-1227