image of Ralph Yang

Ralph T. Yang

Professor Emeritus


Chemical Engineering

3110 H.H. Dow
2300 Hayward St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136

Primary Website

Name of lab or center, linked to website

Additional Title(s)

  • John B. Fenn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
  • Dwight F. Benton Professor of Chemical Engineering


Yale University
PhD CHE ’71
MA CHE ’68

National Taiwan University
BS CHE ’64


Society Memberships

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Fellow, 1992)
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Awards Committee Member, (1996-2001)
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Director, Separations Division, (1992-1995)
  • American Carbon Society, Advisory Board Member, (1985-1991)
  • International Adsorption Society, Director, (1998-2004)
  • Adsorption – Journal of IAS, Advisory Board Member, (1993-present)
  • Adsorption Science and Technology, Adv. Bd. Member, (1986-present)
  • Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Adv. Bd., (1991-1993)
  • Separation & Purification Reviews (Adv. Bd. Member, 1997-2021)
  • Applied Catalysis B – Environmental, Editorial Board, (2000-2004)
  • Applied Catalysis A – General, Editorial Board, (2004-2007)
  • Carbon, Honorary Editorial Advisory Board, (2001-present)
  • Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, Editorial Advisory Board
  • Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Editorial Board (2011-present)
  • Chemical Engineering Science, International Advisory Panel, (2012- present)
  • Journal of Environmental Sciences, Editorial Advisory Board (2013-present)
Positions Held at U-M
  • John B. Fenn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, (2017-present)
  • Dwight F. Benton Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, (2002-present)
  • Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, (1995-present)
  • Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, (1995-2000)
Positions Held Elsewhere
  • Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, New York University, (1971-1972)
  • Praxair Professor of Chemical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, (1993-1995)
  • Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, (1989-1995)
  • National Science Foundation, Program Director, Separation and Purification Processes, CTS Division, (1987-1988)
  • Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, (1982-1995)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, (1978-1982)
  • Chemical Engineer and Group Leader, Fossil Energy Science Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, (1974-1978)
  • Scientist, Phys. Chem. Div., Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PA, (1973-1974)
  • Research Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne IL, (1972-1973)

Research Interests

Nanostructured Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications:
New Adsorbents: for Air Separation, Natural Gas upgrading, CO2 Capture, “Direct Air Capture”, Biogas separation, Gas Storage (Hydrogen, Methane, etc.), Diffusion in Zeolites, and Cyclic Adsorption Processes (PSA and TSA)
Environmental Catalysis: New and improved catalysts for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO with NH3 (NH3-SCR) and with H2 (H2-SCR), Low-temperature NH3-SCR.

Courses Taught

Courses Taught at U-M

ChE 343 – Separation Processes
ChE 360 – Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
ChE 490 – Advanced Directed Study
ChE 543 – Advanced Separation Processes
ChE 697 – Adsorption Engineering


  • Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2015
  • National Academy of Inventors, 2013
  • DOE Hydrogen Program Special Recognition Award, 2010
    U.S. Department of Energy
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, 2010
    National Taiwan University
  • Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 2008
  • DOE Hydrogen R&D Award, 2008
    U.S. Department of Energy
  • “One of 30 Authors of Groundbreaking Chemical Engineering Books,” AIChE Centennial Celebration, 2008
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, 2007
    University of Michigan
  • National Academy of Engineering (USA) 2005
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, 2005
    National Taiwan University, Chemical Engineering Department
  • ACS Award in Separation Science & Technology, 2003
    American Chemical Society
  • Award for Advancement of Basic and Applied Science, 2001
    Yale University Science & Engineering Association
  • SGL Carbon Award (triennial) for “Most Significant Overall Contributions to Science or Technology of Carbon Materials,” 1999
    American Carbon Society
  • Clarence Gerhold Award, Separations Division Award, 1997
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • Institute Award for Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology, 1996
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • William H. Walker Award for “Excellence in Contributions to Chemical Engineering Literature,” 1991
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers


  • Professor Yang has published two books, over 400 refereed journal articles and holds 33 U.S. patents.
  • Books
  • “Gas Separation by Adsorption Processes,” Butterworth, Boston, 1987. Translated into Chinese (1991) and Korean (1993). Paperback edition, Imperial College Press, 1997. (“One of 30 Groundbreaking Chemical Engineering Books,” AIChE Centennial Celebration, 2008)
  • Adsorbents: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, New York, 2003. Korean Translation, 2006; Chinese Translation, 2008.
  • New Direction in Sorption Technology, G.E. Keller and R.T Yang, Ed., Butterworth, Boston, 1989.
  • Journal Articles
  • 459. Wang, Q.Y; Wu, Hy; Zhao, Yang; Qin,; Z, C.Z.; Jia, B.R.; Liu, Y.S.; Qu, X.h; Yang, Ralph; Li, Ziyi”Highly reversible adsorptive capture of high-boiling-point organic gases with a pyridinic N-functionalized mesoporous carbon” ACS Nano (2024).
  • 458. Q . M.L. Wang,. Qin, H.Y. Wu, Y. Zhao CY., Zhang, S.Q. Zhou ,B.R. Jia, Y.S. Liu, Y.H. Qu, R. T. Yang, Ziyi. Li.” ”Tailoring microstructure and microenvironment in carbonaceous sorbent for superior naphthalene capture,” Separ.  Purif. Tech. 335, 126216 (2024). 
  • 457. H. Yuan, P. Li.  X. L. Sun., D.Cen., D.L., X.H.Yan.,G.P. Lei., W.T.,Zheng,Z.Hu*, R. T. Yang,* “Amine-grafted on boron modified SBA-15 for direct air capture of  CO2,” Sepa. Purifi. Tech., 335,126216 (2024).
  • 456. H. Yuan, P. Li, X. L. Sun, D. L. Cen, D. C. Luo, X. H. Yan, G. P. Lei, W. T. Zheng, Z. Hu and R. T. Yang*, “Amine-grafted on boron modified SBA-15 for direct air capture of CO2,” Separ. Purif. Tech. 341, 126720 (2024).
  • 455. T. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, D. C. Luo, T. Xie, W.-T. Zheng, Z. Hu, and Ralph T. Yang, “Photothermal Synergism on Pd/TiO2 Catalysts with Varied TiO2 Crystalline Phases for NOx Removal via H2‑SCR: A Transient DRIFTS Study,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61, 14823-14836 (2022).
  • 454. Z. Hu, T. Zhang, D. Li and Ralph T. Yang, “Understanding the promotional effect of 3d transition metals (Fe, Co, Cu) on Pd/TiO2 for H2-SCR,” Catal. Sci. Tech., 11, 886-894 (2021).
  • 453. Hao Yuan, Peng Li,Zhun Hu, Ralph T. Yang*,” Amine-grafted on boron modified SBA-15 for direct air capture of CO 2, “ Sep. Purif. Tech., 126720(2024)
  • 452. Hao Yuan, Peng Li, Zhun Hu, Ralph T. Yang*,” Amine-grafted on boron modified SBA-15 for direct air capture of CO 2, “ Sep. Purif. Tech., 126720 (2024).
  • 451. Y. R. Wang, J.T. Anyanwu, Z. Hu and R. T. Yang “Significantly Enhancing CO 2 Adsorption on Amine Grafted SBA-15 by Boron Doping and Acid Treatment for Direct Air Capture,” Separ. Purif. Tech. 309, 123030 (2023).
  • 450. Y.S. Liu, H.Y. Tao, X.Yang, X.Y. Wu, R.T. Yang, Z.Y. Li,” Adsorptive Purification of NO x by HZSM-5 Zeolites: Effects of Si/Al Ratio, Temperature and Humidity,” Micropo. Mesopo. Mater. 348, 112331 (2023).
  • 449. Y.S.Liu, X.Y.Wu, X.Yang, H.Y. Tao, J.J. Li,C.Z. Zhang, R. T. Yang, And Z.Y. Li, “Enhancement of NOx adsorption performance on zeolite via a facile modification strategy,” Jour. Haz. Mat., 443, 130, 225 (2023).
  • 448. Z.Y.Tang, T. Zhang, D.C. Luo, Y.J.Wang, Z. Hu and R.T. Yang, “Catalytic Combustion of Methane: From Mechanism and Materials Properties to Catalytic Performance,” ACS Catalysis, vol.12,issue 21, 13457-13474 (2022).
  • 447. J-T. Anyanwu,  Y.R. Wang and R.T. Yang “Tunable Amine Loading of Amine Grafted Mesoporous Silica Grafted at Room Temperature: Applications for CO2 Capture,” Chem. Eng. Sci.  24, 117626 (2022).
  • 446.  J.T. Anyanwu, Y.R. Wang and R.T. Yang, “Influence of Water on Amine Loading for Ordered Mesoporous Silica,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 241, 116717(2021).
  • 445.R.G. Mi, D. Li, Z. Hu, and  R.T. Yang,” Morphology Effects of CeO2 Nanomaterial on the Nanomaterials on the Catalytic Combustion of Toluene: A Combined Kinetics and DRIFTS Study,” ACS Catalysis, 11, 7876 (2021).
  • 444. Y. S. Liu, Q. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Cao, Z. Y. Li, X. Yang, W. H. Liu, J. B. Habyariman, Y. K. Cui and R. T. Yang,” “Effect of Intermittent Purge on O2 Recovery in Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption O2 Production Process,” Adsorption (Sircar Memorial Issue 27, 181, 2021).
  • 443. Z. Hu, X. Yong, D. Li and R. T. Yang, “Synergism between Palladium and Nickel on Pd-Ni/TiO2 for H2-SCR: A Transient DRIFTS Study,” J. Catalysis. 381, 20 (2020).
  • 442. Y. R. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Template Removal from SBA-15 by Ionic Liquid for Amine Grafting: Applications to CO2 Capture and Natural Gas Desulfurization”,  ACS Sustain. Chem. & Eng., 8, 8295 (2020). 
441. Y. Xing, Y.K. Cui, Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, D. Bao, W. Su, C. J. Tsai, D. Y.H. Pui and R. T. Yang, “Insight into the Influence of Coexisting Airborne Nanoparticles on Gas Adsorption Performance over Porous Materials,”J. Haz. Mater. 386, 121928 (2020).
  • 440. J-T. Anyanwu, Y.R. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Amine-grafted Silica Gels for CO2 Capture Including Direct Air Capture,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (Special Issue on Carbon Capture and Utilization), 59, 7072 (2020). 
  • 438. Y. R. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Chemical Liquid Deposition Modified 4A Zeolite as a Size-Selective Adsorbent for Methane Upgrading, CO2 Capture and Air Separation,” ACS Sustain. Chem. & Eng., 7, 3301 (2019).
  • 437.  F. J. Gutiérrez Ortiz, M. Barragán and R. T. Yang, “Modeling of Fixed-bed Columns for Gas Physical Adsorption,” Chem. Eng. Journal, 378, 121985 (2019).
  • 436. X. Yang, Z.Y. Li, C. Z. Zhang, H. Y. Wang, E. L. Zhang, Y. Xing, P. Xiao, R. T. Yang, Y. S. Liu and P. A. Webley, “Practical Separation Performance Evaluation of Coal Mine Methane Upgrading with Carbon Molecular Sieves,” Chem. Eng. Journal, 367, 295 (2019).
  • 435. X. Yang, Z.Y. Li, Y.S. Liu, Y. Xing, J. Wei, B. Yang, C. Z. Zhang and R. T. Yang, “Research Progress of Gaseous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Purification by Adsorption,” Aerosol & Air Quality Res., 19(4), 911 (2019).
  • 434. D. Zhang and R. T. Yang, “Superior Silver Sorbents for Removing 2-vinyl-thiophene from Styrene by π-Complexation,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58, 1769 (2019).
  • 433. X. Yang, C. Z. Zhang, L.J. Jiang, Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, H. Y. Wang, Y. Xing and R. T. Yang, “Molecular Simulation of Naphthalene, Phenanthrene and Pyrene Adsorption on MCM-41,” Intern. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 665 (2019).
  • 432. Y.G. Fu, Y.S. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Y. Li, C. Z. Zhang, H. Y. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Thermodynamic Analysis of Molecular Simulations of N2 and O2 Adsorption on Zeolites under Plateau Special Conditions,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 480, 868 (2019).
  • 431. D. Zhang, Y. R. Wang and R. T. Yang, “CLD Modified Fe-ZSM-5 for Enhanced Activity and Resistance to C3H6-poisoning in NH3-SCR,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 57, 13586 (2018).
  • 430. X. Yang, F. E. Epiepang, J. B. Li, Y. Wei, Y. S. Liu and R. T. Yang, “Sr-LSX Zeolite for Air Separation,” Chem. Eng. Journal, 362, 482 (2019).
  • 429. F. E. Epiepang, X. Yang, J. B. Li, Y. Wei, Y. S. Liu and R. T. Yang, “Air Separation Sorbents: Mixed-Cation Zeolites with Minimum Lithium and Silver,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 198, 43 (2019).
  • 428. D. Zhang and R. T. Yang, “N2O Formation Pathways over Zeolite-supported Cu- and Fe- Catalysts in NH3-SCR,” Energy & Fuels, 32, 2170 (2018).
  • 427. X. Yang, F. E. Epiepang, Y. S. Liu and R. T. Yang, “Heats of Adsorption on Mixed-cation LiNa-LSX: Estimating SIII Site Occupancy by Li,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 178, 194 (2018).
  • 426. F. E. Epiepang, X. Yang, J. B. Li, Y. S. Liu and R. T. Yang, “Mixed-Cation LiCa-LSX Zeolite with Minimum Lithium for Air Separation,” AIChE Journal, 64, 406 (2018).
  • 425. Y. Xing, H. Yu, Z.Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, L. K. Yin, R. T. Yang and C-J. Tsai, “Experimental Research on Purifying Ultrafine Nanoparticles by SBA-15 and Its Filtration Mechanism,” Powder Tech., 330, 32 (2018).
  • 424. D. Zhang and R. T. Yang, “NH3-SCR of NO over One-pot Cu-SAPO-34 Catalyst: Performance Enhancement by Doping Fe and MnCe and Insight into N2O Formation,” Appl. Catal. A, 543, 247-256 (2017).
  • 423. Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Xing, Q. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Adsorption Thermodynamics and Desorption Properties of Gaseous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Mesoporous Adsorbents,” Adsorption, 23, 361 (2017).
  • 422. X. Li, X. S. Li, R. T. Yang, J.S. Mo, J. H. Li and J. M. Hao, “The Poisoning Effects of Calcium on V2O5-WO3/TiO2 Catalyst for the SCR Reaction: Comparison of Different Forms of Calcium,” Molec. Catal., 434, 16-24 (2017).
  • 421. Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Xing, C. J. Tsai, M. M. Meng and R. T. Yang, “Performance of Mesoporous Silicas and Carbon in Adsorptive Removal of Phenanthrene as a Typical Gaseous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon,” Microp. Mesop. Mater., 239, 9-18 (2017).
  • 420. C. Y. Yin, P. F. Cheng, X. Li and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia over High-activity Fe/SSZ-13 and Fe/one-pot-synthesized Cu-SSZ-13 Catalysts,” Catal. Sci. Tech., 6, 7561-7568 (2016).
  • 419. F. E. Epiepang, J. B. Li, Y. S. Liu and R. T. Yang, “Low-Pressure Performance Evaluation of CO2, H2O and CH4 on Li-LSX as a Superior Adsorbent for Air Prepurification, “ Chem. Eng. Sci., 147, 100 (2016).
  • 418. Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Xing, C. J. Tsai, Z. Y. Wang, Q. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Desorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Mesoporous Sorbents: Thermogravimetric Experiments and Kinetic Studies,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 55, 1183 (2016).
  • 417. Y. S. Liu, Z. Y. Li, X. Yang, Y. Xing, Q. Yang, Z. Y. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Performance of Mesoporous Silicas (MCM-41 and SBA-15) and Carbon (CMK-3) in the Removal of Gas-Phase Napthalene: Adsorption Capacity, Rate and Regenerability,” RSC Adv., 6, 21193 (2016).
  • 416. L. F. Wang, C. Y. Yin and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen on Supported Pd: Enhancement by Hydrogen Spillover,” Appl. Catal. A, 514, 35 (2016).
  • 415. Z. Y. Li, Y. S. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Xing, Z. Y. Wang, Q. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Desorption Kinetics of Naphthalene and Acenaphthene over Two Activated Carbons via Thermogravimetric Analysis,” Energy & Fuels, 29, 5303 (2015).
  • 414. T. S. Jung, J. G. Na, D. W. Cho, J.-H. Park and R. T. Yang, “BaxSr1-xO/MgO Nano-composite Sorbents for Tuning the Transition Pressure of Oxygen: Application to Air Separation,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 137, 532 (2015).
  • 413. C. Y. Yin, L. F. Wang, S. Rivillon, A. J. Shi and R. T. Yang, “SCR of Nitric Oxide by Hydrogen over Pd and Ir Based Catalysts with Different Supports,” Catal. Lett., 145, 1491-1499 (2015).
  • 412. M. H. Yuan, L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Glow Discharge Plasma-Assisted Template Removal of SBA-15 at Ambient Temperature for High Surface area, High Silanol Density and Enhanced CO2 Adsorption Capacity,” Langmuir, 30, 8124 (2014).
  • 411. L. F. Wang, H. Chen, M. H. Yuan, S. Rivillon, E. H. Klingenberg, J. X. Li and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide by Hydrogen over Zn-ZSM and Pd and Pd/Ru Based Catalysts,” Appl. Catal. B., 152, 162-171 (2014).
  • 410. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “New Nanostructured Sorbents for Desulfurization of Natural Gas,” Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 8(1), 8-19 (2014).
  • 409. L. F. Wang, A. J. Lachawiec, Jr. and R. T. Yang, “Nanostructured Adsorbents for Hydrogen Storage at Ambient Temperature: High-Pressure Measurements and Factors Influencing Hydrogen Spillover,” RSC Advances, 3, 23935 (2013).
  • 408. H. Chen, L. F. Wang, J. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Investigation on Hydrogenation of Metal Organic Frameworks HKUST-1, MIL-53 and ZIF-8 by Hydrogen Spillover,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 117, 7565 (2013).
  • 407. G. S. Qi, L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “New Catalysts for NO SCR by Ammonia and by Hydrogen” Chapter in “Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx Aftertreatment of Diesel Exhausts,” Ed. I. Nova and E. Tronconi, Springer, New York, 2013.
  • 406. L. F. Wang, R. T. Yang and J. Yang, “Nanostructured Adsorbents for Hydrogen Storage,” Chapter 8 in New and Future Developments in Catalysis: Batteries, Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cells, S. L. Suib (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2013).
  • 405. L. F. Wang, R. T. Yang and C. L. Sun, “Graphene and Other Carbon Sorbents for Selective Adsorption of Thiophene from Liquid Fuel,” AIChE Journal, 59, 29 (2013).
  • 404. Q. Ye, L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Activity, propene poisoning resistance and hydrothermal stability of copper exchanged chabazite-type zeolite catalysts for SCR of NO with ammonia in comparison to Cu-ZSM-5,” Appl. Catal. A, 427, 24 (2012).
  • 403. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Significantly Increased CO2 Adsorption Performance of Nanostructured Templated Carbon by Tuning Surface Area and Nitrogen Doping,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 116, 1099 (2012).
  • 402. L. F. Wang, B. D. Sun, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “ Effects of Aromatics on Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by π-complexation and Carbon Adsorbents,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 73, 208 (2012).
  • 401. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Molecular Hydrogen and Spiltover Hydrogen Storage on High Surface Area Carbon Sorbents,” Carbon (Thrower Festschrift), 50, 2679 (2012).
  • 400. L. F. Wang, N. R. Stuckert, H. Chen and R. T. Yang “Effects of Pt Particle Size on Hydrogen Spillover Storage on Pt-doped Metal-Organic Framework IRMOF-8,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 115, 4793 (2011).
  • 399. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Increasing Selective CO2 Adsorption on Amine-grafted SBA-15 by Increasing Silanol Density,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 21264 (2011).
  • 398. N. R. Stuckert and R. T. Yang, “Atmospheric CO2 Capture and Simultaneous Concentration using Zeolites and Amine-grafted SBA-15,” Environ. Sci. Tech. 45, 10257 (2011).
  • 397. J. H. Li, H. Z. Chang, L. Ma, J. M. Hao and R. T. Yang, “Low-temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3 over Metal Oxide and Zeolite Catalysts – A Review,” Catal. Today, 175(1), 147 (2011).
  • 396. L. F. Wang, N. R. Stuckert and R. T. Yang, “Unique Hydrogen Adsorption Properties of Graphene,” AIChE Journal, 57, 2902 (2011)
  • 395. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage on Carbon-based Adsorbents and Storage at Ambient Temperature by Hydrogen Spillover,” Catalysis Reviews – Sci. & Eng., 52(4), 411-461 (2010).
  • 394. N. R. Stuckert, L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Characteristics of Hydrogen Storage by Spillover on Pt-doped Carbon and Catalyst-Bridged Metal Organic Framework,” Langmuir, 26, 11963 (2010).
  • 393. Z. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Enhanced Hydrogen Storage on Pt-Doped Carbon by Plasma Reduction,” J. Phys. Chem. C. , 114, 5956 (2010).
  • 392. H. Chen and R. T. Yang, “Catalytic Effects of TiF3 on Hydrogen Spillover on Pt/Carbon for Hydrogen Storage,” Langmuir, 26, 15394 (2010).
  • 391. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage Properties of Low-Silica Type X Zeolites” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 3634 (2010).
  • 390. Z. Wang, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Enhanced Hydrogen Spillover on Carbon Surfaces Modified by Oxygen Plasma,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 114, 1601 (2010).
  • 389. J. H. Li, R. H. Zhu, Y. S. Cheng, C. K. Lambert and R. T. Yang, “Mechanism of Propene Poisoning on Fe-ZSM-5 for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with Ammonia,” Env. Sci. Tech., 44, 1799 (2010).
  • 388. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage Properties of N-doped Microporous Carbon” J. Phys. Chem. C., 113, 21883 (2009).
  • 387. A. J. Lachawiec, Jr. and R. T. Yang, “Reverse Spillover of Hydrogen on Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: Evidence of Recombination Using Isotopic Exchange,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 13933 (2009).
  • 386. H. Chen, Y. H. Wang, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of High-Sulfur Jet Fuel by Mesoporous p-Complexation Adsorbents, “ Chem. Eng. Sci., 64, 5240 (2009).
  • 385. J. H. Li, W. H. Goh, X. C. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Nonthermal Plasma-Assisted Catalytic NOx Storage over Pt/Ba/Al2O3 at Low Temperatures,” Appl. Catal. B: Environmental, 90, 360 (2009).
  • 384. C. H. He, Y. H. Wang, Y. S. Cheng, C. K. Lambert and R. T. Yang, “Activity, stability and hydrocarbon deactivation of Fe/Beta catalyst for SCR of NO with ammonia,” Appl. Catal. A., 368, 121 (2009)
  • 383. R. T. Yang and Y. H. Wang, “Catalyzed Hydrogen Spillover for Hydrogen Storage,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 4224 (2009).
  • 382. J. H. Li, W. Li, L. S. Wei, R. T. Yang, “Novel Y2O3 Doped MnOx Binary Metal Oxides for NOx Storage at Low Temperature in Lean Burn Condition,” Catal. Lett., 129, 104 (2009).
  • 381. L. F. Wang, F. H. Yang, R. T. Yang and M. A. Miller, “Effect of Surface Oxygen Groups in Carbons on Hydrogen Storage by Spillover,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,48, 2920 (2009).
  • 380. L. F. Wang, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage Properties of B- and N-Doped Microporous Carbon,” AIChE J., 55, 1823 (2009).
  • 379. Y. H. Wang, R. T. Yang and J. M. Heinzel, “Desulfurization of Jet Fuel JP-5 Light Fraction by MCM-41 and SBA-15 Supported Cuprous Oxide for Fuel Cell Applications,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 142 (2009).
  • 378. Y. H. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Increased Hydrogen Spillover by Gaseous Impurity Benson-Boudart Method for Dispersion Revisited,” J. Catalysis, 260, 198 (2008).
  • 377. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage Properties of Carbons Doped with Ruthenium, Platinum and Nickel Nanoparticles,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 112, 12486 (2008).
  • 376. A.J. Lachawiec, Jr., T. R. DiRaimondo, and R. T. Yang, “A Robust Volumetric Apparatus and Method for Measuring High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage Properties of Nanostructured Materials,” Rev. Sci. Instr. , 79, 063906 (2008).
  • 375. A. J. Lachawiec, Jr. and R. T. Yang, “Isotope Tracer Study of Hydrogen Spillover on Carbon-Based Adsorbents for Hydrogen Storage,” Langmuir, 24, 6159 (2008).
  • 374. L. F. Wang and R. T. Yang, “New Sorbents for Hydrogen Storage by Hydrogen Spillover – A Review,” Energy & Environmental Science (Roy. Soc. Chem. Cambridge), Invited Featured Review. 1, 268 (2008).
  • 373. Y. W. Li and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage in Metal-Organic Frameworks and a Covalent-Organic Framework,” AIChE Journal, 54, 269 (2008).
  • 372. Y. H. Wang, R. T. Yang and J. M. Heinzel, “Desulfurization of Jet Fuel by π-Complexation Adsorption with Metal Halides Supported on MCM-41 and SBA-15 Mesoporous Materials,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 356 (2008).
  • 371, D. Crespo, G. Qi, Y. Wang, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Superior Sorbent for Natural Gas Desulfurization,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47, 1238 (2008).
  • 370. G. Qi, Y. H. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia over ZSM-5 Based Catalysts for Diesel Engine Applications,” Catal. Lett., 121, 111 (2008).
  • 369. Y. Li and R. T. Yang, “Gas Adsorption and Storage in Metal-Organic Framework MOF-177,” Langmuir, 23, 12937 (2007).
  • 368. Y. Li, R. T. Yang, C. J. Liu and Z. Wang, “Hydrogen Storage on Carbon Doped with Platinum Nanoparticles Using Plasma Reduction,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, 8277 (2007).
  • 367. Y. W. Li and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage on Platinum Nanoparticles Doped on Super-Activated Carbon, J. Phys. Chem. C. 111, 11086 (2007).
  • 366. L. P. Ma and R. T. Yang, “Heats of Adsorption from Liquid Solutions and from Pure Vapor Phase: Adsorption of Thiophenic Compounds on NaY and 13X Zeolites,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46, 4874 (2007).
  • 365. Y. H. Wang and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Adsorption on Carbon-based Sorbents and Ultrasound-Assisted Sorbent Regeneration,” Langmuir, 23, 3825 (2007).
  • 364. L. P. Ma and R. T. Yang, “Selective Adsorption of Sulfur Compounds: Isotherms, Heats and Relationship between Adsorption from Vapor and Liquid Solution,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, 2760 (2007).
  • 363. Y. W. Li, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Kinetics and Mechanistic Model for Hydrogen Spillover on Bridged Metal-Organic Frameworks,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 3405 (2007).
  • 362. Y. H. Wang, F. H. Yang, R. T. Yang, J. M. Heinzel and A. D. Nickens, “Desulfurization of High-Sulfur Jet Fuel by π-Complexation with Copper and Palladium Halide Sorbents,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, 7649 (2006). .
  • 361. Y. W. Li and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage in Low Silica Type X Zeolites,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 17175 (2006).
  • 360. Y. W. Li and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage in Metal-Organic Frameworks by Bridged Hydrogen Spillover,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 8136 (2006).
  • 359. F. H. Yang, A. J. Lachawiec, Jr. and R. T. Yang, “Adsorption of Spillover Hydrogen Atoms on Single-Wall Carbon nanotubes,” J. Phys. Chem. B., 110, 6236 (2006).
  • 358. Y. W. Li and R. T. Yang, “Significant Enhancement of Hydrogen Storage Capacity in Metal-Organic Frameworks via Spillover,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 726 (2006).
  • 357. D. Crespo and R. T. Yang, “Adsorption of Organic Vapors on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, 45, 5524 (2006).
  • 356. A. Jayaraman, F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Effects of Nitrogen Compounds and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Adsorption via π-Complexation with Cu(I)Y Zeolite,” Energy & Fuels, 20, 909 (2006).
  • 355. G. S. Qi, R. T. Yang and F. C. Rinaldi, “Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen over Pd Based Catalysts,” Journal of Catalysis, 237, 381 (2006).
  • 354. Y. W. Li, F. H. Yang, G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Effects of Oxygenates and Moisture on Adsorptive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels with Cu(I)Y Zeolite,” Catalysis Today, 116, 512 (2006).
  • 353. A. J. Lachawiec, Jr., G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage in Nanostructured Carbons by Spillover: Bridge Building Enhancement,” Langmuir, 21, 11418 (2005).
  • 352. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, F. H. Yang, G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Sulfur and Nitrogen Removal from Transportation Fuels by -Complexation,” J. Chinese Inst. Chem. Eng. (James Wei Festschrift Issue), 37, 1 (2006).
  • 351. R. S. Bai and R. T. Yang, “A Modification of Doong-Yang Model for Gas Mixture Adsorption Using Lewis Relationship,” Langmuir, 21, 8326 (2005).
  • 350. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Commercial Fuels by -Complexation: Monolayer CuCl/-Al2O3,” Appl. Catal. B, 61, 212 (2005).
  • 349. J. H. Park and R. T. Yang, “Prediction of Adsorption Isotherms of Low- Volatile Compounds by Temperature Programmed Desorption: Adsorption of Iodine on Carbon, “ Langmuir, 21, 5055 (2005).
  • 348. G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Oxidation (SCO) of Ammonia to Nitrogen over Fe/ZSM-5 Catalysts,” Appl. Catal. A., 287, 25 (2005).
  • 347. A. Jayaraman and R. T. Yang, “Tailored Clinoptilolites for Nitrogen/Methane Separation,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (Dudukovic issue), 44, 5184 (2005).
  • 346. G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Low-temperature SCR of NO with Ammonia over Noble Metal Promoted Fe-ZSM-5 Catalysts,” Catal. Lett., 100, 243 (2005).
  • 345. J. H. Park and R. T. Yang, “A Simple Criterion for Adsorbent Selection for Gas Separation by PSA Processes,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44, 1914 (2005).
  • 344. G. S. Qi, J. E. Gatt and R. T. Yang, “Selective Catalytic Oxidation (SCO) of Ammonia to Nitrogen over Fe-Exchanged Zeolites Prepared by Sublimation of FeCl3,” J. Catal., 226, 120 (2004).
  • 343. G. S. Qi, R. T. Yang, R. Chang, S. Cardoso and R. A. Smith “Deactivation of Fe- ZSM-5 Catalyst for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3: Field Study Results,” Appl. Catal. A., 275, 207 (2004).
  • 342. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, R. T. Yang and W. Cannella, “Desulfurization of Commercial Jet Fuel by Adsorption via -Complexation with Vapor Phase Exchanged (VPIE) Cu(I)-Y Zeolites,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 6142 (2004).
  • 341. A. Jayaraman and R. T. Yang, “Stable Oxygen-Selective Sorbents for Air Separation,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 60, 625 (2005).
  • 340. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, F. H. Yang, G. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Transportation Fuels by x-Complexation Sorbents: Cu(I)-, Ni(II)-, and Zn(II)- Zeolites,” Appl. Catal. B., 56, 111 (2005).
  • 339. F. H. Yang, A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Selective Adsorption of Organosulfur Compounds from Transportation Fuels by-Complexation,” Separ. Sci. Tech., 39, 1717, (2004).
  • 338. G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “A Superior Fe/ZSM-5 Catalyst for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia,” Appl. Catal. B., 60, 13 (2005).
  • 337. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Diesel Fuels by Adsorption via -Complexation with Vapor Phase Exchanged (VPIE) Cu(I)-Y Zeolites,”J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 126, 992 (2004).
  • 336. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Denitrogenation of Transportation Fuels by Zeolite at Ambient Temperature and Pressure,” Angewan. Chemie. Int. Ed., 43, 1004 (2004).
  • 335. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Diesel Fuels via π-Complexation with Nickel(II)-Exchanged X- and Y-Zeolites,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 1081 (2004).
  • 334. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, S. D. Stamatis, R. T. Yang, A. Z. He and W. Cannella, “New Sorbents for Desulfurization of Diesel Fuels via -Complexation: Layered Beds and Regeneration,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 769 (2004).
  • 333. R. T. Yang, A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and F. H. Yang, “Desulfurization of Transportation Fuels with Zeolites Under Ambient Conditions,” Science, 301, 79 (2003).
  • 332. G. S. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Characterization and FT-IR Studies of MnOx-CeO2 Catalyst for Low-temperature SCR of NO with NH3,” J. Phys. Chem. B., 108, 15738 (2004).
  • 331. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Transportation Fuels by Adsorption,” Catalysis Reviews – Sci. & Eng., 46, 111 (2004).
  • 330. A. D. Lueking, R. T. Yang, N. M. Rodriguez and R. T. K. Baker, “Hydrogen Storage in Graphite Nanofibers: Effect of Synthesis Catalyst and Pretreatment Conditions,” Langmuir, 20, 714 (2004).
  • 329. G. S. Qi, R. T. Yang and L. T. Thompson, “Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide in the presence of Excess Oxygen by Pd Supported on Pillared Clays,” Appl. Catal. A., 259, 261 (2004).
  • 328. A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “New Sorbents for Desulfurization by Selective Adsorption via -Complexation: Sulfur Removal from Diesel Fuels,”AIChE Journal, 50. 791 (2004).
  • 327. G. S. Qi, R. T, Yang and R. Chang, “MnOx-CeO2 Mixed Oxides for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3 at Low Temperatures,” Appl. Catal. B Environmental, 51, 93 (2004).
  • 326. J. Hernández-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Commercial Liquid Fuels by Selective Adsorption via -Complexation with Cu(I)-Y Zeolite,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42, 3103 (2003).
  • 325. A. Jayaraman, A. Hernandez-Maldonado, R. T. Yang, D. Chinn, C. L. Munson and D. Mohr, “Clinoptilolites for Nitrogen/Methane Separation,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 59, 2407 (2004).
  • 324. A. D. Lueking and R. T. Yang, “Hydrogen Spillover onto Carbon: Inference of Spiltover Hydrogen on Optimization for Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanotubes,”Appl. Catal. A, 265, 259 (2004).
  • 323. F. H. Yang and R. T. Yang, “Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study of the Mechanism of SO2 Oxidation Catalyzed by Carbon,” Carbon, 41, 2149 (2003),
  • 322. G. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Performance and Kinetics Study for Low-temperature SCR of NO With NH3 over Mn-Ce-Ox Catalyst,” J. Catal., 217, 434 (2003).
  • 321. G. Qi and R. T. Yang, “Low-temperature SCR of NO with NH3 over USY-Supported Manganese Oxide Based Catalysts,” Catal. Lett., 87, 67 (2003).
  • 320. R, Bai, J. Deng and R. T. Yang, “Improved Multi-Site Langmuir Model for Mixture Adsorption Using Multi-Region Adsorption Theory,” Langmuir, 19, 2776 (2003).
  • 319. A. J. Hernández-Maldonado and R. T. Yang, “Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Adsorption via -Complexation with Cu(I)-Y and Ag-Y Zeolites,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42, 123 (2003).
  • Additional publications (pdf)
  • Patents
  • 1. R.T. Yang, U.S. Patent 4,134,737, “Process for Producing High-Purity Carbon for Anodes,” assigned to Aluminum Company of America.
  • 2. R.T. Yang and M. Steinberg, U.S. Patent 4,197,285, “Regeneration of Lime from Sulfates for Fluidized-Bed Combustion,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 3. R.T. Yang and M. Shen, U.S. Patent 4,191,115, “Carbonaceous Fuel Combustion with Improved Desulfurization,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 4. M. Shen and R.T. Yang, U.S. Patent 4,225,572, “Catalytic Iron Oxide for Lime Regeneration in Carbonaceous Fuel Combustion,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 5. R.T. Yang and M. Shen, U.S. Patent 4,252,778, “Fuel Gas Desulfurization,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 6. R.T. Yang, R. Smol, G. Farber and L.M. Naphtali, U.S. Patent 4,250,015, “Mechanochemical Hydrogenation of Coal,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 7. M. Shen and R.T. Yang, U.S. Patent 4,314,980, “Preparation of Reactive Beta-Dicalcium Silicate,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 8. R.T. Yang and M. Ghate, U.S. Patent 4,696,680, “Production of Hydrogen from Coal,” assigned to U.S. Department of Energy.
  • 9. R.T. Yang, et al., U.S. Patent 5,106,602, “Low-Temperature Catalyst for Reduction of NO,” assigned to SUNY at Buffalo and EPRI.
  • 10. R.T. Yang, U.S. Patent 5,248,321, “Flue Gas Cleanup by Adsorption with Polymeric Adsorbents.” SUNY at Buffalo.
  • 11. R.T. Yang and J.E. Cichanowicz, U.S. Patent 5,415,850, “Pillared Clays as Catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO.” SUNY at Buffalo and Electric Power Research Institute.
  • 12. R.T. Yang and N. Chen, U.S. Patent 5,456,892, “NO Decomposition by Heteropoly Compounds.” SUNY at Buffalo and ElectricPower research Institute.
  • 13. R. T. Yang and N. Chen, U. S. Patent 5,523,068, “Nitrogen Oxide Decomposition.” SUNY at Buffalo and EPRI.
  • 14. R. T. Yang and K. Krist, U.S. Patent 6,033,461, “Selective Nitrogen Oxides Adsorption from Hot Gas Mixtures and Thermal Release by Adsorbent,” joint between Univ.of Michigan and Gas Research Institute.
  • 15. J. Padin, C. L. Munson and R.T. Yang, “Method for Selective Adsorption of Dienes,” joint between U. Michigan and Chevron. U.S. Patent 6,215,037 (2001).
  • 16. T. Takahashi and R. T. Yang, “Method for Treating Exhaust Gas by gamma- alumina,” U.S. Patent 6,279,491 (August, 2001).
  • 17. L. S. Cheng, J. Padin, S. U. Rege and R. T. Yang, “Process for Purifying Propylene,” U.S. Patent 6,406,521 (June 18, 2002).
  • 18. R.T. Yang, J. Padin and S.U. Rege, “Selective Adsorption of Alkenes Using Supported Metal Compounds,” joint between U. Michigan and Chevron, U.S. Patent 6,423,881 (July 23, 2002).
  • 19. R. T. Yang, R. Q. Long and T. Takahashi, “ Method of Treating Exhaust Gas by Carbon Nanotubes,” U.S. Patent 6,511,527 (January 2003).
  • 20. R.T. Yang, R. Long and K. E. Zammit, “Superior Pillared Clay Catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides for Power Plant Emission Control,” U.S. Patent 6,521,559 (February, 2003).
  • 21. R.T. Yang and N.D. Hutson, “Lithium Based Zeolites Containing Silver and Copper and Use Thereof for Selective Adsorption,” U.S. Patent 6,780,806. (August 2004).
  • 22. R.T. Yang, J. Padin and S.U. Rege, “Selective Adsorption of Alkenes Using Supported Metal Compounds,” U.S. Patent 6,867,166 (2005).
  • 23. C. L. Munson and R. T. Yang, “Sulfur Resistant Adsorbents,” ChevronTexaco and University of Michigan, U.S. Patent 6,911,569. (June 2005).
  • 24. R. T. Yang, F. H. Yang, A. Takahashi and A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, “Selective Sorbents for Purification of Hydrocarbons,” U.S. Patent 7,029,574 (April 18, 2006).
  • 25. R. T. Yang, F. H. Yang, A. Takahashi and A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado, “Selective Sorbents for Purification of Hydrocarbons,” U.S. Patent 7,053,256 (May 30, 2006).
  • 26. R. T. Yang, A. Takahashi, F. H. Yang and Arturo J. Hernandez-Maldonado, “Selective Sorbents for Purification of Hydrocarbons,” U.S. Patent 7,094,333 (August 22, 2006).
  • 27. R. T. Yang, F. H. Yang, A. J. Hernandez-Maldonado and A. Takahashi, “Selective Sorbents for Purification of Hydrocarbons.” U.S. Patent 7,148,389, December 12, 2006.
  • 28. G. S. Qi, R. T. Yang and F. Rinaldi, “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides with Hydrogen,” US Patent 7,712,308, May 11, 2010.
  • 29. R. T. Yang, Y. Li and A. J. Lachawiec, “Enhancing Hydrogen Spillover and Storage,” US Patent 7,951,749. May 31, 2011.
  • 30. R. T. Yang, Y. H. Wang and L. Amestica, “Natural Gas Desulfurization,” US Patent 8,187,366. May 29, 2012. (also EU 2217683 A1)
  • 31. R. T. Yang, Y. W. Li, G. S. Qi and A. J. Lachawiec, “Chemical Bridges for Enhancing Hydrogen Storage by Spillover and Methods for Forming the Same,” US Patent 8,338,330, on December 25, 2012.
  • 32. R. T. Yang and Y. Wang, “Enhancing Hydrogen Spillover and Storage issued US Patent No. 8,372,369 on 2/12/2013.
  • 33. R.T. Yang and Y. Wang, “Metal Salt Catalysts for Enhancing Hydrogen Spillover,” US Patent 8,426,337, April 23, 2013.