Join Chemical Engineering

We understand that choosing your major is a big decision and we are here to help. With a chemical engineering degree, you can do just about anything, from large-scale production and management to microscopic research. 

Thinking about declaring (or changing) a major?

You can declare a major as early as your second term in the College of Engineering and are urged to declare a specific engineering major by the start of your 3rd term of enrollment. 

To declare the major, you must have met with the ChE undergraduate advisor to develop a long-term course plan and meet these declaration requirements.

Please sign up to meet with the ChE undergraduate advisor to learn more about the major, review declaration requirements, and develop or update a long-term course plan.

Thinking about joining the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan?

Whether you’re coming to us right after high school, transferring from inside or outside the University, or applying as an international student, we have all the information you need to apply